Welcome to Beach Park Elementary School!
Hello and welcome to Beach Park Elementary School! I am Amy Snow and I am honored to be the principal of Beach Park Elementary School.
A little about myself, I am originally from Grosse Pointe, Michigan. I graduated from Eastern Michigan University where I earned my teaching degree. After college, I was in the Japanese Exchange Teacher (JET) program and lived in Shizuoka, Japan for two years where I taught English in a public high school. After Japan, I taught in the San Diego Unified School District in middle school as the English Language Development teacher. I earned my Masters Degree in teaching Cross Cultural Educational Policy at San Diego State University. I moved to San Francisco, began teaching at Abbott Middle School as the Newcomer Program teacher and later moved into a district role as the Teacher on Special Assignment for English Language Arts. I was the principal of Beresford Elementary School for four years before I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to open and be the founding principal of this amazing school, Beach Park Elementary School. I live in Pacifica with my husband and my son, Alfie. We love to bike ride, hike, go to the beach, and play any of the card game created by the company "The Oatmeal" as a family.
I love being an educator and have my dream job as a principal. I am excited to come to work each day to engage with teachers, families and the students! Everyone here at Beach Park are displaying acts of kindness, empathy and courage inside and outside of the classrooms. We encourage students to use their power to make positive change in themselves, their school, their community and the world.
This school year we want all Beach Park staff and families to remember to:
- laugh often.
- cry when you need to.
- be joyful.
- be inspired.
- make a positive difference.
- have a great year, and enjoy the ride.
Amy Snow, Principal