Drop Off & Pick Up
Morning Drop Off
Beginning at 8:10 AM, students and families may enter campus through Gate 1, 3 or 5. Class begins at 8:25 for students. Only students will be permitted to enter classrooms. Please exit campus after dropping off your child(ren). The play structure is closed before and after school.
Shell Blvd. Car Drop-off Zone
Keeping students safe in the Shell Blvd. Drop-off Zone is a priority. Please review these procedures with your child:
Be prepared with your backpack, jacket or sweater, water bottle and lunch.
Wait until the car has stopped to exit or enter.
Cars - please move up to the curb to let your child out.
ONLY exit or enter on the right side of the car. DO NOT walk between cars.
Always walk on the sidewalk.
NO PARKING in the the Drop Off Zone
When entering the drop-off zone, please pull all the way up. Parents, unless there is an emergency, please remain in your car during drop-off. Exiting the drop-off zone is a RIGHT TURN ONLY. We are looking for volunteers to help keep the drop-off zone safe before and after school. Please email Miss Dani if you are interested in helping to keep our students safe.
For those walking to campus, please use the crosswalks when crossing the street. Please wait for the traffic light to signal that it’s safe to cross before entering the crosswalk. A bike and scooter rack is located by Gate 3 and Gate 5. Students walk their bikes and scooters on campus.
Late Arrivals: Gates will close at 8:25am. If your child arrives after 8:25am, please come through the school office and sign in. Your child will walk independently to class.
After School Dismissal
Regular School Day (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
TK and Kindergarten is dismissed at 1:05 from Gate 1 escorted by a Kindergarten teacher. Adults please make eye contact with your teacher and the teacher will connect you with your child.
First-Fifth Grade is dismissed at 2:55/3:00pm from their classroom door, they are to exit a gate agreed upon by them and their adult. (Gate 1 (by front office), Gate 3 (on the blacktop facing the parking lot) or Gate 5 (by the Multi-purpose room)
Minimum Days (Wednesdays, conferences and whenever the calendar says Min Day)
TK and Kinder is dismissed at 12:40 from Gate 1 escorted by a kindergarten teacher.
First-Fifth Grade students are dismissed at 12:40 from their classrooms, they are to get hot lunch first and then exit or if not getting hot lunch exit a gate agreed upon by them and their adult.
After School Care
After school Care:
Newton: TK and Kindergarten students will be picked up from their rooms by Annex staff. 1st-5th graders will walk to Annex Room 18 at the end of the school day.
Outside after school providers: Vans/buses will park in the parking spots across the front office. They will gather students on the sidewalk and walk the students across the crosswalk to their van/bus.